Spring Onion & Poppy Seed Curry

Mukhwas – Digestive Spice and Seed Mix

Black Cardamom Tomato Rice

Rustic Corn Flatbreads

Leafy Greens Punjabi Style (Saag)

Vegetarian Frikadellen

Red Lentil Soup

Nut Meringue Kifli Cookies

Milk Noodles with Lemon and Honey

Ghee spiced Cabbage Galette

Budhan-da’s Ginger Tea And Pumpkin Pakora

Sprouting Potato Salad

Bengali Tomato Jam

Sweet Corn Saffron Dessert

My Grandmothers Poppyseed Cake (Mohnkuchen)

Smoky Cinnamon Tomato Sauce

Syrian Tamarind & Rose Drink

Raw Pumpkin Salad with Tamarind Chutney

Rita’s Aubergines in Yogurt

4 Spicy Summer Drinks

Sun-dried Green Mango Pickle

Maa’s sunroasted Garam Masala

Potatoes & Spinach with Coriander Lemon Chutney

Turmeric Garlic Broth

Mango Saffron Halva

Baked Kohlrabi Schnitzel with Sourcream Cucumbers

Spicy Easter – Egg Curry

Bengali Puffed Rice Salad

Turmeric Honey Lemonade

Ginger, Hibiscus & Tulsi Tonic

Roasted Dal with Winter Vegetables

Green dumplings